Tuesday 16 October 2007


Communicate how you feel under the following headings (It may help to write it down or get someone to listen and write it for you):-
(d)Volitional(being able to choose)
(f)Spiritual(if applicable)
You may wish to just put the words 'Responsive' or 'Reactive' next to each.(Trust the language you use, it will indicate what possible struggles are. i.e. 'I feel out of control' Shows is reactive - emotional/volitional)Then starting with (a) set a target for the next month. i.e. My first target was to take medicine regularly.

Review targets each month. Try not to change too many things at once. It is possible that reducing (d)& (e) May also give more control and allow boundaries to be re-established.

You need to learn to recognise the impact each change is having.(If it de-stabilises, move back a bit. You may also see reaction in in other areas. i.e. a mental change may have emotional/physical consequences).

Be gentle and safe in your changes. Work towards being responsive rather than reactive.

If others are aware of your 'targets' then they should be able to respond appropriately and remind of previous successes. Is there anybody else that could 'support' you at this time ?(if you are a carer and person isn't up to the above, then 'supportively' share targets with them, making sure they feel 'physically' safe first !)

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